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Showing posts with label Fitness Training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fitness Training. Show all posts

Monday 30 October 2023

How to lose weight without exercising


Most adults need seven to eight hours of sleep every night to restore and repair the body. — TNS

Who doesn’t want to be lean and slim without putting in effort?

Physical activity or exercise has plenty of physical, emotional and mental benefits, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you will shed the kilos easily by partaking in it.

Some people hate exercising and are not motivated to push or challenge themselves – they simply don’t get the same endorphin release as others.

Reluctant exercisers need external motivators to keep going, like the promise of boosting their overall health, to look good, or because their physician has said they must do so to stay alive.

Our ancestors remained active out of necessity, not choice: they had to move to hunt for food.

Once fed, they rested to conserve energy because there was nothing much to do.

When food supply diminished, they’d be on their feet, hunting again.

Resting is a natural human tendency, so don’t beat yourself up if that’s what you like to do.

With advances in technology and labour-saving devices, the world is now accessible with our fingers, and even minimal movement seems to have taken a backseat.

That’s why we are blossoming sideways.

Is that bad?

It depends on how much weight you’re putting on.

One 2021 study published in the Annals of Epidemiology found that people who started adulthood with a body mass index (BMI) in the normal range, and became overweight – but never obese – in later life, tend to live the longest.

Adults in this category lived longer than even those whose BMI stayed in the normal range throughout their life.

However, those who started adulthood as obese and continued to add weight had the highest death rate.

So, a bit of extra weight is okay as long as you don’t balloon out of control.

Any healthy person can lose weight without exercising – you just need a lifestyle tweak and some discipline.

Prioritise what you enjoy doing instead of struggling to achieve unrealistic goals.

Try some of the following tips to help you trim down.

Chew your food thoroughly and savour every morsel before you swallow it to feel full faster. — AFP

> Hydrate with water

Make it a point to drink two glasses of water after waking up to help “activate” your internal organs.

The water will help to remove any toxins before your first meal of the day.

Water helps regulate body temperature, lower blood pressure, carry nutrients and oxygen to various cells, and maintain optimal kidney function.

Replacing sugary drinks and alcoholic beverages with water can help reduce your daily caloric intake.

Whenever you feel hungry, you may actually be thirsty, or even slightly dehydrated.

So don’t reach out for snacks, but drink a big glass of plain water first – and ideally wait 30 minutes before eating.

Drinking water prior to meals can help you feel fuller and reduce your overall food intake, which can lead to weight loss over time.

If plain water isn’t appealing, try adding fruit slices like oranges, or herbs like mint, lemon and rosemary, for extra flavour and nutrients.

> Eat slowly and mindfully

Instead of munching down solid food, especially poultry and meat, chew thoroughly.

Some time back, I attended a wellness retreat where we were told to chew every mouthful 27 times and savour all the flavours before swallowing.

The food almost turns to liquid by the time it goes down the throat.

Not only does this increase the amount of nutrients absorbed by the body, it’s also easier on the digestive process.

Additionally, longer chewing also helps develop a stronger jaw and chin, suppress hunger and gets you full faster, aiding in your weight loss journey.

> Load up on fibre and protein

You don’t have to eliminate all carbohydrates, just minimise overly-processed ones, such as white breads and pre-packaged foods like cookies and crackers.

This is because such foods are rapidly digested and converted into blood sugar.

Instead, consume more protein and fibre.

Protein takes longer to digest and decreases the level of the hunger-regulating hormone ghrelin, making you feel fuller for a longer period.

Fibre expands in your gut like a sponge, so it’s a natural appetite suppressant.

It also moves faster in your intestines, which signals to the brain that you are full.

Along with lean meats and poultry, add on a good mix of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains to make up the rest of the meal.

Even a five-minute break to take deep breaths at work can do wonders to bring down stress levels. — AFP

> Scale back on added sugar

Sugar itself doesn’t make the weighing scale jump up, but it tends to be in foods that have too many calories.

Whether it’s soft drinks, teh tarik or desserts, it should be the first thing to go if you’re trying to lose weight.

The sweet stuff is also hidden in all sorts of foods from salad dressing to sauces to canned fruits, so don’t be deceived that you’re eating a healthy salad when you’ve doused the greens with salad dressing.

ALSO READYou wouldn't expect to find sugar in these foods

When it comes to caffeinated beverages, skip the sugar, honey and creamer if possible, as these can quickly add to the calories.

Having your tea or coffee black is best, but if like me, you need to add some milk, opt for skim or low fat over full cream.

By eliminating sugar, you can lower your risk of heart disease dramatically because too much sugar in your diet heightens your risk of high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes – the three main risk factors for heart disease and cardiovascular decline.

ALSO READWhat you can do to reduce heart attack and stroke risk

> Manage stress levels

This is hard for everyone, but we’ve got to try.

When the body is under pressure, it releases the hormone cortisol, which is linked to increased appetite and fat storage.

Excess cortisol levels can increase appetite and cravings for energy-dense, comfort foods.

High cortisol levels over time have also been linked to abdominal fat gain.

Take time daily to do something to lower the stress levels: laugh, read a good book, play with a pet or just take deep breaths.

Find a quiet corner at work, close your eyes and spend five minutes mid-morning and in the afternoon to do a few rounds of deep breathing by inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth or nose.

Do this again in bed, just before you sleep.

> Get proper sleep

Your body relies on sleep to restore and repair itself, and getting enough rest can also benefit your weight-loss efforts.

There is mounting evidence that people who get too little sleep have a higher risk of weight gain and obesity than people who get seven to eight hours of sleep a night.

Sleep deprivation changes your endocrine function and metabolism by affecting your production of the hunger-regulating hormones ghrelin and leptin.

This can make you feel hungrier than usual, increasing the likelihood of craving for unhealthy snacks.

It’s no surprise that when you’re exhausted, it’s harder to control your impulses for comfort food like cookies, chocolates and ice cream.

Practise good sleep hygiene by sleeping at the same time every day, switching off all gadgets two hours before bedtime and ensuring the room temperature is comfortable.

By Revathi Murugappan who is a certified fitness trainer who tries to battle gravity and continues to dance to express herself artistically and nourish her soul. For more information, email The information contained in this column is for general educational purposes only. Neither The Star nor the author gives any warranty on accuracy, completeness, functionality, usefulness or other assurances as to such information. The Star and the author disclaim all responsibility for any losses, damage to property or personal injury suffered directly or indirectly from reliance on such information.

Friday 22 March 2013

Measuring your Heart Rate for fitness

Why do you need to know your heart rate? What heart rate zone will give you the absolute BEST results for fat burning from your cardio?

I was recently inspired to write this article on heart rates in relation to fitness due to the numerous questions I have received lately about it, and the importance of knowing what it is, and why. Even though the heart rate is a huge element to achieving an optimal workout, and its been around forever, many individuals do not know what theirs is, or how to measure it, or even to care about it. So I am going to clarify this simple yet important component to fitness. 

Resting, Exercise and Maximum
Heart Rates
There are three HR to consider when training to get fit, or as it relates to cardiovascular fitness, as well as your Target Zone. 

The first is the Resting HR. This is your HR when you are not engaging in any physical activity that elevates it, or when you are in a resting state such as sleep. As you become more fit, this number will decrease because your heart and lungs have become stronger. The heart is then able to pump more blood, which is called stroke volume, throughout the body with less effort. The lungs are able to pull in more oxygen, which is called maximum oxygen uptake, with less effort, which means more blood and oxygen to the working muscles makes up the endurance portion of being fit. Having enough oxygen going into the blood keeps the lactic acid out-thus you can sustain a prolonged aerobic workout. 

A normal Resting HR can vary as low as 40 BPM to as high as 100 BPM. 70 BPM is usually the average for a man, and 75 BPM is average for a woman. The Resting HR should be used as an index to improve your cardiovascular fitness level, with a focus on decreasing it. The best time to measure your Resting HR is when you first arise from sleep in the morning. The palpation (beats) of the Radial Pulse is accurately measured in your wrist in line with the base of your thumb. Place the tips of your index and middle fingers over the Radial Artery and apply a light pressure to it. DO NOT USE YOUR THUMB. It has a pulse of it's own. You may count the beats for one full minute to get the HR, or for 30 seconds and multiply by 2 for the number of BPM. 

The Second is the Exercise HR. This is the rate at which your body is in motion from a sustained exercise, and the rate increases. Of course you measure it during exercise. The goal here is to stay within your Target HR Range or Zone, which is normally between 75% to 85% of your Maximum HR which is the third. Maximum HR is the rate at which your heart beats at 100% Max. during a sustained aerobic activity. You never want to work at 100% of your Max. HR unless a professional has you on a specific program designed for that, and your fitness level can sustain it. 100% of Max. will cause you to cross over into an Anaerobic Threshold. These numbers can vary depending on your age and fitness level. 

The Exercise Pulse is most accurately palpated at the larger Carotid Artery on the side of the neck. It is usually located beside the larynx. Place your index and middle fingers alongside the base of your ear lobe and slide it down to the side of your throat and apply a light pressure. DO NOT apply a heavy pressure to the Carotid Artery when measuring your Exercise HR. These arteries contain Baroreceptors that sense increases in pressure and will respond by slowing down your HR. You will feel this pulse easily during a workout, so heavy pressure is not needed to locate it. The Exercise HR should be taken for 10 seconds, always counting the first beat as "0," then multiply by 6. This number is your Exercise HR. Which brings me to the point of all of this information.

For Determining Your Max Heart Rate
To determine your Maximum HR, use the calculators below. The simple formula: Take 220 and minus your age which is accurate to approximately +15 BPM. You then take that number and multiply it by .75 - .85, which will give you your percentages of 75% -- 85% of your Max. HR. This is the Target Range or Zone that you want to stay in when doing any type of cardiovascular (aerobic) activity. When in this range your body is getting an optimum workout with maximum benefit, and it stays in a Fat Burning mode. 

There are two different ways to calculate your maximum heart rate and your target heart rates. The method I just explained is the simple method. 

Simple Target Heart Rate Calculator
Using the 220 - Age formula.

Enter Your Age
Max Heart Rate
75-85% Max Heart Rate
THR 15 sec count
The Karvonnen formula is more advanced since it also takes into account your resting heart rate. This is your heart rate at complete rest. To determine this, take your pulse for 60 seconds just before you get out of bed... or take it for 30 seconds and multiply by 2

Advanced Target Heart Rate Calculator
Using the Karvonen Formula.

  • For your age, use a whole year. (Between 0 and 100)
  • Put your Resting Heart Rate in the next box. (Between 30 and 100)
  • In the % box, use a number between 50 and 85. Do not include the %.
  • Click on the Calculate button, and it will calculate your target heart rate or that percentage.

Your Age in Years

Resting Heart Rate

% of Maximum Effort

Your Target Heart Rate

When you start to work over these percentages, not unless you are in great shape and can push yourself into a higher range, then you have gone into an Anaerobic Threshold. Which means that you are pushing yourself way too hard, and no healthy benefits are being obtained. You are defeating your purpose. If you push yourself into an Anaerobic Threshold your body can no longer meet its demand for oxygen. You will start to feel exhausted, your HR increases above the Max. (which is 100%), you will stop the fat burning process, and you will start to hyperventilate due to the excessive amounts of lactic acid in your body. In other words, you are not pulling in enough clean oxygen through the lungs to clean it out of the blood. Your heart can no longer pump enough blood to your working muscles to sustain your activity, and you are overloading yourself. You prevent this from happening by staying in your Target HR Range. As you become more fit, you can push yourself into a higher range without going over into the Anaerobic Threshold. The purpose of this article is to give you insight to perceive that, and always know where you are in your range or zone when working out.

Remember that Aerobic means "with oxygen," and Anaerobic means "without oxygen." Aerobic exercise is training at a certain level of intensity for a sustained period of time, usually 20 minutes to 1 hour as on a stair-climber, treadmill, or in an aerobics class. You need oxygen rich blood to maintain this. 

Anaerobic exercise is training at a level of intensity that does not require a sustained period of time, usually 30 seconds to 1 minute. Such as weight training, strength circuit, circuit and interval training sessions when sets/reps are involved. Because the time period is shorter and faster in cases of intervals and circuits, you use all of the oxygen rich blood more quickly to complete your sets/reps before lactic acid causes you to stop the exercise. That's what "The Burn" means. Then you take a break so the blood can be cleaned of lactic acid and you catch your breath before your next set. 

One more element to consider is the Rating of Perceived Exertion Scale. This scale provides a standard means for evaluating your perception of your exercise intensity. You can use this scale on a 1 - 10 basis with 1 being "very very easy," and 10 being "very very hard." If you're like me, I don't like to stop during my aerobic exercise sessions to measure my HR, so I use this scale to measure where I am in my Target Range. I know how I feel at 75% -- 95% of my Maximum HR, so I can either increase or decrease my intensity before I cross over into an Anaerobic Threshold, and maintain my work out and Fat Burning process. If you are going to use this scale, make sure that you too know how you feel at 75% -- 85% of your Max. HR so that your perception is accurate on this scale.

Working out in the Target Zone helps me get lean!
(Editor's Note: This pic gets MY heart going.)

Knowing this simple information will help you greatly in evaluating your progress when training to get fit, or when training to compete. You can develop your training sessions and know what you need to change or add in your program by being in tune to your Heart Rate. Always be aware that you are in THE ZONE!

Train for Success!!!


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Rightways for Heart Health